Tuesday, March 18, 2008


For "something" which is pointing at me unreal and not fair
and even link my blog out in the ridiculously nonsenses article
which i never show out who the person is until now
i never will get influence by those story maker
who is telling lies
only me and him know
its no necessary for me to "flame" up
nothing for me to angry about
im so lazy to entertain u know?
although u "expand" ur "story" to all his contacts
Ppl know what kind of girl i am
bcoz they know me =)

here are just some wording to speak out how i feel now
thank you very much for the concerns about me and my ex


posted by 大眼睛 @ 12:31 AM  


  • At 1:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i dont know who you are but im a regular reader of belle's blog.

    from what ive seen in a very neutral position, youre still the bloody money whore to not pay him back.

    u said u will pay back after you graduate, but what do you mean by "man man dang la lei!" ?? you said "ppl who know me know what kind of girl i am"

    well i think youre a real gold digger. rm800 is not a small amount of money. if you find it difficult to pay the whole amount at the same time, you can always offer to pay slowly, but did you have to fuck around with sam like that? we all know he cant force you to pay because hes not a bank owner or gangster, but is it right for you to be like that?

    i believe that there is a god in this world, and that if you act sinfully there will always be punishment waiting.

    just be nice and apologize. you owe people money and you dont want to pay that already means youre the wrong one. so what if sam has changed? its still his money, or his dads money. i dont know what religion are you from but im sure your religious teaching has taught you taht do not ever use money that is not your own. the RM800 is not yours, give it back and end this.


  • At 1:42 AM , Blogger Huei said...

    First of all, get your English right. I have difficulties understanding what you're trying to say.

    Now assuming I understand what you wrote (which takes great effort), second of all, nobody made up any story. YOU yourself are making a fool out of yourself announcing to the world that YOU are not going to pay up, well, not anytime soon anyway. As for the real story, I guess we shall show the SMS conversations between you and him. Don't you think so, since you're desperate to prove that you're innocent?

    Kind girl? Oh god. You must be in serious denial. Are you sure you do not need a psychiatrist?

    I know you're not angry, you're just feeling worked up because you're guilty, which, leads to this post. Lazy to entertain? You're not capable my dear. Your post is not entertaining at all. It just brings stress to readers trying to piece together your broken English.

  • At 9:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I've read from both sides..

    Being neutral..Just pay the money back because it's SAM's parents money

    Please be a little bit ethical.

    I don't give a damn bout you or Belle.It's just SAM's parent's money.


    Tis sentence made me thought you must be a low class lifeless desperate crack whore!!

  • At 11:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I feel that there is a strong feeling coming out from your post - JEALOUSY,ENVY,UNHAPPY. You feel mad because your ex-bf is very happy with someone else now, even happier than when he was with you before.

    If you do not know the story, do you know that Belle was Sam's first love? Sam fall in love with Belle when he was 16 and she was 14 but due to some circumstances he didn't manage to be with her. Like what people always say, first love always hold a special place in someone's heart that can never be replaced.

    I know you are mad, angry, not satisfied and jealous that's why you cause so much trouble for them right?

    If I'm in your shoes, just leave a good name and reputation and proved to others that you are a good person, not a materialistic woman and a cheater by paying back what you owe your ex. Come on, it's only rm800, you can't afford to payback? I gave my ex everything expensive that he bought me last time when we broke up. Each and everything cost 10x more than what you owe Sam.

    Grow up girl, there are better guys out there. Why hold on to the past? Move on, clear all your debts that you owe him and draw a line between you and him. Naive people often say until very easy that after we break up, we still can be friends but it's almost impossible to happen.

    I know Belle and Sam. Sam is kind and soft hearted like I am. Belle is the strong and protective kind of girl like my bf. Whatever that you pull out, belle is just trying to protect Sam. if you understand what is true love, you know how protective can love be but I don't think you know what true love is like? If you don't understand what i say, I can always translate to chinese for you.

  • At 12:03 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    lu cakap apa english? gua tak paham lu punya broken english. tu la, pergi sekolah tak belajar betul betul.

    dah la macam orang bodoh. duit dah pinjam, tak nak pulang.

    apa concern concern pulak? orang bukan concern pasal ko dengan ex kau tu. orang nak highlight sikit pasal ko punye attitude yang tak nak pulangkan duit yang dah pinjam tu.

    ko ni kan dah pinjam duit orang, pulangkan la cepat. dah la jumlah duit bukannya kecil. ex ko ni dulu dah la baik sangat nak pinjamkan duit kat kau ni, kau pulak?

    pikir pikir kan lah, sebelum karma menimpa. :)

  • At 7:44 PM , Blogger babyfiona said...

    Being neutral here as well.The money you owed are not your ex-bf money but is his parent money, that you have to pay back. No point owing ppl's money and making you reputation worst than you-know-what.

    Please be mature and give back the money to his parent to settle this problem. If you think that you can tied him up by holding on to his money, I think you are wrong. Give him back, you are still a good person in his heart, in other ppl eyes, but continue like this, he gave up, ppl will look like you as a (something you do not want to be called as).

  • At 8:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ROFL at YY's comment..

    I can always translate for you in chinese!!


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